Thursday, June 4, 2015

Smith Family Update Part 3: It's A....

Hey there blog world! Sorry it's taken me a while to post this update, it's been a hectic couple of weeks. Ok, ok, you want the truth? I just haven't thought about it and I've been so exhausted...growing this little baby really takes a lot of energy!

So, let's get down to business! In the last post, Smith Family Update Part 2: Surprise! Surprise!, you all found out that we're expecting a little one soon!!! So very, very soon! I can't believe how soon...and there is still so much to do!! And, all I have to say is that Pinterest is no help what so ever when it comes to getting a nursery together.
I get so many ideas but realize that they're really not a necessity and that I'd spend more money putting things together rather than enjoying what little time we have left getting prepared for our little bundle of joy. :)

Ok, sorry, went a slightly off subject there. I say slightly, because this post is about our little bundle of joy and wether we're having a BOY or GIRL?! 

So cute already!
What do you think? Those of you that follow me or my husband on facebook already know this answer, don't give it away...because that's my job! :P

I already had a feeling as to what it was we were having, call it mother's intuition, I say it was all God, but I just knew. So, while we were at the doctor (Wed) getting the sonogram watching our little one squirm around on the screen, I couldn't help but smile. As soon as the little one stopped squirming and the lady was finally able to get the little one to show us wether it was a boy or girl (this took a good 15-20 minutes) that's when we saw and knew. Now we just had to tell the family :)

I had been trying to find cute and inexpensive ways to surprise the family and since I like baking, that seemed like the most appropriate thing to do. We weren't all for the whole gender reveal party whoop-de-doo so we opted to just bake them a little something and have them find out that way, simple and easy.

First was to surprise the in-laws and so I made little cupcakes with the colored filling inside. We got everyone together that Thursday evening and got the sis-in-law and nieces and nephew on video chat so they could find out as well. It was so much fun watching them bite into the cupcakes and seeing the color inside! I absolutely loved the reaction from the nieces and nephew, thankfully we got that on video (at least I think we did...I'm not sure).

Next was to surprise my parents the next day, and thankfully it was my brother's birthday that weekend, so I opted to make the cake with the filling colored, of course. Now I know for sure that we got their reactions on video, and it was awesomely hilarious! So, now I know you're thinking..."Well, what is it?! A boy or a girl?! Tell ME!!!" Just look below :)

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