Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Becoming a Mother

Ever since we got married, even before, we talked of babies and how we couldn't wait to have one of our own. After 9 months we found out we were pregnant and we couldn't be more excited, but in all that excitement, I was also scared...really scared. All of the sudden all these questions/doubts popped into my head:

Will I be a good mother?
I'm not ready to be a mom.
What if something happens?
I can't do this. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Smith Family Update Part 3: It's A....

Hey there blog world! Sorry it's taken me a while to post this update, it's been a hectic couple of weeks. Ok, ok, you want the truth? I just haven't thought about it and I've been so exhausted...growing this little baby really takes a lot of energy!

So, let's get down to business! In the last post, Smith Family Update Part 2: Surprise! Surprise!, you all found out that we're expecting a little one soon!!! So very, very soon! I can't believe how soon...and there is still so much to do!! And, all I have to say is that Pinterest is no help what so ever when it comes to getting a nursery together.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Smith Family Update Part 2: Surprise! Surprise!

So, I know I mentioned in the previous post that a lot has happened since the last time we've talked, well this is one of the bigger things that have happened since! Those that are family and friends of ours on FB, then you already know what this is about. ;) I never actually told the whole story, though, so that's what's going to be said here. So, just keep reading, and some of you, if you're like me, grab the tissues!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Smith Family Update Part 1: Houston, Here We Come!

It's been a while since we've posted anything, but a whole lot has happened since we last spoke! Boy, are there some stories to share! To save you time, I'll break them up into a few different posts so you're not stuck with one looonnngg post (you're welcome). So, to start, here's part 1 :)